last day
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The last official day in TPJC
Ok this has been delayed for long enough already.. Finished the second last paper of the A's yesterday, took the time for granted, but ah, it's over already. The last day was several weeks back, had a lil performance and all, and whoa it felt really nostalgic. Two years gone by, fulfilling and a roller coaster ride of experiences.

The night before. Dad bought some strawberries, tried to go for an artistic shot, but nah not what I intended came out. Plus they were a lil mushy and some were spoilt, left in the fridge for too long ><
Took the shot below on the way to school in the morning, no more 5.40am waking up in the morning :D One last afternoon paper ont he 30th and we're free from JC, about time!

Didn't get this shot centred in properly, couldn't see the viewfinder when I put it on top of some hydrant. Still, managed to get me in on the right, heh.

He and his twisted thoughts perpetually on his mind. He's been fermenting a pair of dirty smelly socks in his bag, and intends to bring it to Prom.

We had a concert later in the morning, just in time to cancel out our physics lesson (: The sub I hate the most. Then econs.

I like this shot :D the Auditorium ceiling. The orange glow's kinda calming. Not during lectures though.

Mr Khor. Tell me he looks like Carl Fredrickson from Up, haha. Except of course, not that ang moh.

They threw me down and made me have my turn later, damn, ribs hardly felt the same, heh. Thrice in JC, but heh not as bad as come others.

Vicious stuff, heh. That was me below.

Everything goes wrong when it's like that with Cheryl, and Shi Yi let go too quickly, haha, plopped down with a really audible splat sound. See the angular velocity of her air in the picture below! Circular motion in paper 3 wasn't done very well ):

Oh yeah, happened to be faizal's birthday that day. What's this cartoon character, forgot :\

More updates soon, felt a bit lazy to type much seeing as this was long ago..
Half the classis going to Malaysia for the holidays, a short 4 and a half days thing, semi-looking forward to it.
penned by joel at 1:20 PM