priceless security
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I just lost my wallet this morning. On a bus.
As I woke up and rushed off the bus realizing I had reached my stop, I forgot the wallet placed loosely below the flap of my sling bag.
Feel really shitty now.
NRIC replacement (first time) $100
EZ link card replacement $18
Money on-hand $6
Laguna Golf membership card $10.70
The sense of security lost is pricless. And the agony of using 55c coins for bus fares too. If I go out over the weekend there's no way I can verify I'm a student, I'm gonna have to pay adult fare. Which is ridiculous compared to the concession rate
I'm praying whoever took it is the least bit compassionate. Bus service found nothing, in 14 days I'll have to report a loss if I don't find it. I'm feeling realllyyyyyy in the dumps now.
penned by joel at 7:53 PM
the week. yes, that's the title.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Eventful few days, worth blogging, and in need of updating. The girls final match was on March 12th, if I'm not wrong, Temasek JC, no epic showdown as we were out of the running already, but kinda worth going, cuz it was near home, plus I could catch up with Esti. She was in my group for the Pre-U Seminar, president of the student's council from TJC.
She takes H3 History, gosh she'll be a living textbook if she aces her exams. The team eventually lost 1-4 if I'm not wrong, but we left for dinner at east coast park anyway, glad to get the nationals over and done with. Second time our batch made it to the second round, wonder if it's been like that for all our girls batches, they've always had a far better shot than the guys team.
Hadn't gone to the Lagoon food centre in a while, so it jogged some memories, and the view certainly looked an all to familiar sight. Here's part of the team P:

Had a walk around the beach afterwards, the day was kinda like the official stepping down, but due to the swine flu and stuff, the teacher in charge didn't organize anything. School rules, ugh.
Anyway, I'm really glad with the work done for the outfit on TPJC runway. I knew it was gonna be momumental work, being the first time, so glad I got some help. It's not fully done yet though, so once I'm done I'll upload photos. Tried it on Xiu Rong already, darn it fits so well, I felt a surge of confidence when she put it on. Top prize of $300, ohman I so could use that, I need new threads :D
Joined another competition too, I love TPJC photography competition. Yes, cheesy, but anything photography related, and with such a small competition base of TPJC, I'm all for it. The photo's submitted for competitions in other catergories that I've seen before, by TPJC students, really..stink. To say the least.

Here's something along the lines of what I'll be submitting, but I'm altering some bits. Painstakingly cut the hearts out myself, top prize is some book voucher (wow, betyoudidntseethatcomin) of $80. Book vouchers? I thought we've gone past that since horrible secondary school popular vouchers already. But ah, if it's popular I've just the thing to buy.
And the highlight of the week, TG(It
was)F! Service learning, headed by Shermaine. She planned this really well I must say, to come up with the concept, the management, liasing with the school.. Glad it was her who planned it, and not have some shoddy last minute bring-kids-to-the-zoo/birdpark thing.
Basically, it's educating primary school students about recycling, and the renewable environment. 3 parts, first an assemble, several weeks back, then the practical proojects, last friday, next the AAR, next friday. Can't remember how many it was, but she managed to round up lots of hours for us, so no problem for our CIP. Here're some pictures..

Tennis mate Jun De, Samuel, Kenneth (currently on a bulking-up frenzy) and Brandon. Plain simple Brandon. Nothing much, just your average simpleton, mr cellophane, actually. Haha I know you'll read this.

Doctors can make you wanna genetically engineer your kids to create any little tyke, just the right amount of good looks, smarts and weight. No need to tell you, you'd already know, but my stand;
Thoroughly disagree with
preimplantation genetic haplotyping, gender selection and genetic engineering of babies. It's just messed up and sick. Imagining creating Sims for reality. Unless they're cases like mother-son genetic diseases specific to gender, it's wrong, period. Singapore's stance on its society has more often than not been right, this is no exception.

More kids :D Hong Xiang numbering them in groups.

And icebreakers!

So we made stuff out of recyclable materials, mostly sourced ideas from art attack, and I must say it went pretty well. In fact, I enjoyed my time there, it's been way too long since I've been with kids, much less for over 2 hours. Refreshing to see the simple things that'll tickle them, the attention span and all the half-shy, half-over enthusiasm that they alternate in between.
Here's Shermaine concluding the session, and shortly before, Kenneth made them all sing a birthday song for Jasline, heh their voices in messy combination was entertaining.

Primary school kids work well in black and white photos, tried and tested, as to why, I've no idea.

Danial's group with their door decoration, that art attack dude always does the paper marche so easily, its as if he's cyborg. Danial's group had the nicest art project imo.

Took a class photo outside the art room afterwards, feeling very fulfilled, if that's a proper term. Nothing beats a good 'ol
jc-primary environmental awareness art project service learning. Yes.

Couple of us went out for dinner later at Tampines Mall, whiling the time away chatting. When we were about to leave, we noticed the Uncle Ringo funfair at the grouds there. After much deliberation, we gave the bumper cars a go. $3 each, but worth wayyyy more. Hadn't had that much fun in a while, heh thanks to Shi Yi for taking the photos while we were being slammed about.

Paired with Hamzah, man it was a fantastic way to relieve stress. Not that I had much anyway, with my shoddy school work, but still. Some renegade father-son car was have sadistic joy in ramming us at full speed. They looked stone cold I tellsya. Like they bumped cars for a friggin living. WhamBam, they viciously rammed. Then when we left, they went back again for another round of unsuspecting teenagers.
dundun dundummm

Ended of the day with a pinkish sunset, used to see lotsa those panoramic across the living room in Lagoon View.. I resembles a J! :D

Went out to school in the mornin for maths, had brekkie at Changi Village, then played pool at Safra Tampines.. what a week.. Oh, won some silly medal on sports daylast wednesday too, but hey a medal's a medal. (even damai's medals were nicer than TPJCs :\)
penned by joel at 7:53 PM
Marina Barrage
Friday, May 8, 2009
Yeah I know, it's been way too long. The longest, if I remember correctly? But really, it's been reasonable, with the tennis nationals, three tests, and NAPFA, amongst other distractions like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I just finished watching that movie online, and it really struck a chord. A great movie that I'm glad to have caught in the end. It's a romance genre btw, but don't be so close minded.
Oh, that's right, I found this picture on deviantart, it's doctored, but still, it's a creative piece of photography.

Wow my back is aching alot right now, wonder what's the cause. Anyway, the class minus 4 people, went to Marina Barrage for the learning journey that we're supposed to make once in our JC stay. It was kinda interesting, plus scenic, so I finally could take some nice shots with my ageing camera. I'm pretty tired, so just view.
Kinda put em up for classmates to take pictures from too, anyway.

Here's the entrace, banners flapping against the sea breeze. Blue for water, heh, duh.

The entrace was kinda intimidating, actually, it didn't even contribute to the dam, so what was this towering chunkarock doing there.
Upon entering the main complex, the sheer height of the structure wows you for a moment, even living in a city surrounded by high rises, this amazed me for a a while, so vast and calm. It'd be great to stargaze if it weren't for the bright city lights surrounding.

Berlin, Shermaine, Xiu Rong, Cheryl and Shi Yi. Xiu Rong's gonna be my model for the TPJC runway, and Berlin's a new addition to our class this year :\

The huge fields of the deck made some photos look band-of-brother-ish, with the panoramic scape and people appearing as if they're perched up there.

The green roof, not too green to me, nor does any aspect of it look like it can be environmental, but hey what would I know what its made out of. *yawn.. I'm gonna fast forward.

A proper class picture, still without 4 classmates, but this was as close as we'd get to one I think, sadly..

The dam system is pretty interesting, but really, this weekly accumulation of fatigue by friday's got me. I'm not gonna bother to elaborate on it. Go there yourself :D

sustainable... stuff. sheesh three yawns in one minute.

This lighting was kinda brilliant actually, bubbles and light, nice concept. They had some intriguiging displays and historical timelines that provided insights, but I was more concerned for my dying camera battery that day. It died on me halfway, bad luck.

Ms Helen Choo should pat me on the back for this :D

If you see anyone you'd particularly like to know the name (and perhaps phone number, email, address, favourite movie/song etc..) lemme know, 'else im too lazy to type em all out.

Remember, these pictures are not for you to go 'why so many pictures of people I may not know' well this is for classmates so buzz off! Or oogle. Whichever you please, but don't scoff, heh.

Part of the green roof, we went back up there, and without the security camera, it woulda been nicer.

Flyer, I have yet to ride on it, but I have heard multiple comments on the waste of time that it is.

Yes. That's it. I'm free!
It's off to bed for this aching body, and I promise I'll update more, oh darn this segue really left a layer of dust. I got Gold of NAPFA, I was friggin elated that day.. but I'm tired, so this is it. g'night.
penned by joel at 4:33 PM