three weeks, ohmybad
Friday, February 27, 2009
So there's that long break that took, and now that I've come back, I kinda feel bad. Ah well lets get rolling anyway. Two weeks have passed I think, been really weary all week both weeks, and Valentines Day was a good rest. Stayed home with the company of my computer, good stress relief after a hectic week.
Perpetual 12pm+ turn ins, whoa and I'm not even doing full homework criteria.. I made this card for Samuel, for his girlfriend. Its somewhat therapeutic, makin 'em. Don't know how it's supposed to feel, having some special someone to spend that Valentines Day with.. Frankly, I'm not sour over the lack of attachment, but more of knowing that there may just been greener pastures when that time comes.. ><

The envelope on the card actually opens up, and it says; To:, From who, in there. Neato huh? :D
The bunch of Japan Trip people met up the next week, on a Saturday, with our tour guide coming back to visit us. We had lunch at Shukudo, and I was new to the restaurant, but fine with the concept.. Whoa I spent $24+ there, and it wasn't really a jiving company to start out the afternnon with, after a hot tennis practice.

We split ways afterwards, and I went with Sheryl, Veronika, Amanda, Grace and Xin Hui. Wait, I didn't miss out anyone did I? :X We milled about town for a while, before our numbers dwindled, and it was left to Sheryl, Amanda and I at Parkway.
Had no inkiling it'd be really fun, we had dinner at PastaMania later on, and boy do their pastas still suck, haha! Sitting there for a while, we chatted on such similar frequencies that time passed by quickly. Must say, it was really enjoyable company, and I'm lookin forward to the next outing in March.. (:
Skipping to wednesday, with the few boring assignments and rain denying chances of playing tennis.. We had our Road Run, i.e. Cross Country. The way days start out can really be decieving, and initially I wasn't having an awesome time, but the 38th placing in 350+ JC2 runners was an up.

Cheryl found a starfish whilst seashell hunting, we were at East Coast Park for the Road Run, an annually hosted area. The shells there are like.. 80% battered and chipped, so this was a gem find. Huge pity it was
accidentally thrown away by the cleaner later, when we headed to Parkway for lunch.. Kinda ticked at what happened that day by
particular people, but lets not bring that up. P:

Just some random scenery shots from the coast, it wasn't a fantastic view, having been so used to it living practically next door, for 17 years.. Still, photography captured it well I hope..

As we headed to Parkway, we crossed the flyover, and a lone Spongebob Squarepants balloon was stuck on a tree. Pretty comical, and I've been seeing that silly character pop up lots nowadays. Vibra-dampeners on rackets, random doodlings around schools benches, and whatnot.. :\

Ok, so 7 of us headed over to my place after lunch, filled and rested. But really really icky from perspiration and stuff. I'm ultra finicky about cleanliness, and to Brandon, I don't think I'm any less clean than ya, I think it's just different degrees of tolerance. I wouldn't lie on my bed with anything other than night clothes, that for one >< style="font-style: italic;">Right?
They had a cold dunk in the pool, whoa felt good after that running and heat. Got chilly after a while though, and time seemed to pass slowly despite our fun. It was like perpetual laughter for hours, Xiu Rong's antics are seriously hilarious :D

Not in picture above, Dedrick and I, who didn't get in just yet.. My pool's forever freezing, but looking at Ahmad, he probably didn't feel the chill. Damn he's big, lol.

Washed up and left about 4pm later, for Siglap centre for chips n such from Cold Storage. Subsequently, they left, and it poured much much more.. Whoa it was an exhausting wed, and today too.
Had tennis friendlies with Meridian, and I wasn't on form, having not played in a week. Yeah, I ain't that consistent yet of course. Lost my first doubles game, barely knowing much about my doubles mate, but at least there were no confusions and sort, etc. Not really too happy at the matches today, but shan't bother to regale it.
An eventful three weeks it's been, my bad not two, and ohman I'm sooooo sorry for the long break. A friend threatened to quit reading if I didn't update by tonight, indeed a good motivation,haha! Well I'm really dog-tired, still having tennis tomorrow morning, and studying out afterwards. Cheerio! :)
penned by joel at 10:33 PM
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Tennis is definitely getting more fun. The anticipation of each training is refreshing, and a pity it wasn't the case for my junior year.. Had the tennis tryouts today with the J1s, started at 3 so I spent the earlier hours playing for other CCA tryouts like badminton and table tennis. I think it's just a racquet thing or a poorer use of my limbs that require external equipment. Whatever it is, it's surely always been a preference over basketball, soccer and whatnot.
Fed the balls to the J1s with some uncertainty today, some juniors with better proficiency really worry me. Still, I've only got 1+ year of experience and I think the improvement was quicker than others. Like this dude with 4 years supposedly, but played the tryouts like a 6months kid.. Then another with 9 years who could've trashed me, I'm sure. Gonna get more competitive, so hopefully this year's nationals won't be so shortlived.
Bathed and left for Yi Chen's place, havin a barbeque for his birthday. It wasn't quite like I'd expected, but enjoyable enough, tried introducing some drinking games, but not quite the desired effect. Still, thoroughly enjoyable while it lasted. Glad we got that F15, good choice it seems :D
So the few of us are stayin over, too late and more of a might-as-well thing. Been a great friday imo, still no studying stimulus. I need a trillion dollar worth encouragement boost to my self disipline..
seems it's back to weekly posts huh. at least it means I'm busying my life? pfft excuses, here's to Chen's 18th, and so many more to come this year..should so try drinking games with that few classmates.
penned by joel at 12:19 AM