little-iest things
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Thanks to Shermaine's help, we've got a blogshop up now. It's pretty simple, a work in progress. We haven't really decided prices and all, but give it a look and lemme know your opinions yeah? Keep in mind, it's a work in progress. Thanks!, the URL will be in my links now. Thanks! P:
penned by joel at 8:30 PM
Sunday, Dempsey Hill
Monday, September 22, 2008
An arts bazaar featured in The Straits Times caught my eye recently, and while I was out with Cheryl and Shermaine one Friday, asked whether they'd be interested to go. Shermaine knew about it already too, no surprise. P: Later that Sunday, we got Brandon and Hong Xiang to tag along like usual, and took the shuttle bus there.
It was held at Dempsey Hill, and looked kinda promising from the notice. I didn't know how to get there, but who else knew but Shermaine. Haha.. We took a shuttle bus at $1.40 a pop each, more like a van, really. The weather was sweltering, thank goodness I didn't wear jeans. We strolled about for a while, but the premises were cramped and stuffy. Plus the ritzy crowd there was milling about like a lazy Sunday afternoon. (wait, it was one..) So claustrophobic.
I didn't pick up anything there, though Hong Xiang did, for his mom
sy. We met Sherm's aunt there too, and left shortly after 1pm I think. The artsy stuff was expensive, but the pictures we managed to get were cheap yet priceless.

The reflection was an unintended effect that turned out pretty nice. Chose sepia for a change, behind, the dense woods sloped downhill.

A mini cinema that could be rented out for events, and they had these rich, colourful cushions and seats. Really cheery :)

Hong Xiang was behind, 'Quick take the picture, my hands are getting tired.' I was taking my time :D

Quick, grow up, then you can drive us around! All these colour oriented pictures makes me feel like makin a video like Delta Goodrem's advert for Down Under.. awesome advertisment!

Ok, I look a bit funny here cuz it was kinda squeezy, but the shot's so vibrant, I don't really care. I like Brandon's birdy tee, and Hong Xiang has quite a few inmate clothes..

Christian Band? Looks like the make of it, from the episode of SouthPark, if you know which I'm referring to P:

Oh man, remember these blow up balls? How you can kick em around and they'd still be kinda firm, brings back lotsa primary school memories. Apt of an arty venue. Below, Sup
ah Troup
ah lights can find her shining through those glasses, I betcha!
I recall learning a technique in primary school how to make this effect on a rose, something about dyed water? This rose looked really beautiful, but I have silly memories of white roses.. There was a florist there too, Hong Xiang bought a stalk of some unknown flower, but the shopkeeper had no clue how to package one, he just put a plastic sheath around the stalk.
Volkswagen hippie van outside what I think is the biggest branch of Ben and Jerry's, at Dempsey Hill. The prices there made my wallet squeak in disbelief. It's been underfed for a while now :\
So we headed over to Holland Village, milling about till we settled on Cold Rock creamery. Their lemon sorbet is similar to Haagen Dazs, but of course still a notch below. Inflation or not, the $30 that I brought out doesn't seem enough just for drinks, desserts and snacks, much less clothes and such D:
Solo shots! Sorry if it ain't beautiful, but they're mostly candid.
I can't believe I'm 17 and that was the first trip to Holland Village. Well, if it's any comfort, more 16 on 17. It didn't really seem like what I pictured, but perhaps the day couldn't compare to the nightlife.
I remembered Joseph, Phyu Phyu and Niki worked there, at Amici, some Italian restaurant. Shoulda taken that opportunity to work, but I get lotsa advice that I shouldn't bother attempting the service sector. Seeing as how ugly Singaporeans can get, I doubt I'll wanna venture there too. Brandon has some nice poses, heh.
penned by joel at 6:16 PM
Post Promos, Haji Lane
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Something else to add, Dark Chocolate and Coffee cake, to the
up n comin blogshop.. What's that sour orange berry like thing on cakes with the light brown leaves? Yeah whatever that is, it's what I tried to do for the cake when I couldn't make strawberries.. :\ First attempt. I wanted to make candles too but couldn't find something to improvise..
Not feeling like writing so I'm not gonna be wordy here.

Last tuesday was a promo paper for some, so monday to wednesday was free. Five of us headed out to City Hall, Marina Square for lunch. It was pretty dead there, and managed to see some schoolmates too. After Hong Xiang's 'heavy duty' shopping, we took a train over to Plaza Singapura to catch Mamma Mia. Apart from the occasional jerky
script-to-song transitions, the movie was quite worth the $8.50, catching it at it's sneak preview.
Some renditions of the classic quartet was nicely played, and I'm glad my parents introduced me to oldies and their evergreen music long ago. I can sincerely appreciate them, unlike a bunch of emo/punk trash kids who pick them up, and sing them till they make you wanna puke your vocal chords. They should just stick to their oversized/skinny clothes and $&^%$^... Nevermind, whoosh.

Lets not have to resort to MRT station photos in future, unless maybe it shows we were havin that much fun that we didn't think of :D

Decided to go for the class chalet afterwards, of which I shall keep my comments to myself. But we were kinda tired, plus Brandon had lil sleep for the past two days. Other things factored in, it was a regretful choice to go.. Here are the hobos I met while on the train. They were grouchy and drunk. :O

This one looked like he was about to get some exercise. Then he thought, damn, I'm homeless, fuggeddaboudit.
I was awake the whole day, save for a 10min nap facing the rising sun. Then left for home, only to go out to Haji Lane with Cheryl and Sabrina the next day. We met her dad for lunch, he's always been nice, but kinda stern looking. Preparations were all around for the coming Hari Raya and stuff, so the smells and the sights were everywhere. Cultural immersion..

While we were searching for Haji Lane, we chanced upon this burnt out derelict houses, that years back, Cheryl and I wanted to venture into. It was kinda eerie, but cool. If it were in the night, whoa my hair woulda stood on end. We went in anyway, and it was kinda small and really musty. Parts of the ceiling was charred and gave way long ago. To think we'd return and check it out two years later, was kind of nostalgic..

Tadah, Haji Lane, with its many boutique outlets and artsy shophouses. A nice change to explore, from the hustle and bustle of the town area. Didn't buy anything in the end, though I did see opened tic tac candy boxes for sale, filled with neon yellow and green flavours I've never heard of. Freaky.
I don't really know of these places like Dempsey Hill and Haji Lane, seem so mountain tortoise-y. I've heard of them, read of them, and it's nice to have friends who'd take you to them. Guess it's a cycle of introduction, but I'm a bit late in it. Still, lotsa fun, but dog tired that evening, staying till 10 at cheryl's house helping her with stuff.
Patience doesn't always pay off. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and then acceptance, some situations stick true to the layout, and the sooner I get to acceptance, the easier it'll be.
penned by joel at 6:24 PM
Dubble post! Whoopie!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
It's been a long time since I managed to get off two posts in a day, since time.. (yadayada)
Anyway, I was busy on BF2 till dinner, and the servers were tougher, perhaps it was the long long break I took from gaming. Over dinner, my dad pointed out some reasons as to why Isaac shouldn't keep the dog, and the ultimatum was to not keep it. (see prev post) I have to agree with my dad on the logic, honestly. It's not viable, with flaws in the architecturing already.
The sunset before dinner was spectacular, really want to get a DSLR or SLR. A panoramic shot woulda been neat, but I was to lazy to stitch.. This picture isn't edited by the way. It's like the cloud's extending, exploding from the sunset..

After dinner, I took a leaf from Cheryl's books. She made this really awesome iPod classic miniature, about 1.5cm by 2cm I think, with foam, paper and aluminium foil, for Shermaine. I sheepishly copied her idea with her shrug of approval, and made one for Sabrina. I haven't told her or passed it to her yet, but hers is a lime green Nano, I prefer it to the latest Nano, but not the one just featured in the news too recently.
After that, I got itchy for more and decided to make a packaging. Box and paper bag, looking online for an example of how to. Here's the pics, throw me your comments! (by the way it looks less detailed IRL of course :\ )

Everything fits snugly in this.

The ruler, I'm sure ya know. There, within the boxing, the Nano.

Here it is close up, with it's silicon casing made out of tracing paper. The cover to the box. It's not as nice as Cheryl's, hopefully I'll get a pic and post it up soon. Also, I didn't make earphones while she did.

There, the last pic, oh MAN we got to get the blogshop up queek before the stress returns. Heh. Tomorrow's a long day, with tennis at 9am to 11, then lunch with an uncle in celebration of his birthday. In the evening till 8pm, tennis with Cheryl, Amanda and Sellick, Sellick's from TP Tennis if ya remember, and Amanda, Cheryl's chinese class classmate..
Uh oh, it's already 12:50, Ciao!
penned by joel at 12:14 AM
sweet freedom :D
Saturday, September 13, 2008
at least for several months Whoa the relief is intense. Of course, there's the guilt that I don't think I did my best, self discipline was a kite that I didn't yank back from the wind too often. Still, I'm not about to let it ruin this freedom, woke up this morning to two hours of BF2, haven't even read the papers nor had breakfast yet..
My bad, haven't posted for two weeks, but I knew it'd happen. Last week's Sunday, Joseph and I had tennis, then muh dad wanted me to take pictures of the old home to show prospective tenants. For those of you who've been over before, here's the spartan living and dining room. It sure brings back memories, and I miss the panoramic sea view.
Oh, and Isaac got a new dog, a cross breed of a husky and retriver. Dunno if I misspelt that. He told my parents, much to their displeasure. It ain't toilet trained, and when I left my door open and went out one day, it peed in my room. A male and kinda tame, but I don't think he'll be keeping it cuz of disapproval.

The short 5 day exam timetable came to an end on a late Friday morning. Lunch wasa quickie at E-Hub's nearby foodcourt. The roti prata there can make you belch and vomit. Ok ok, it was only a runny poop. When I see the guy make the prata with his hands, that's perfectly fine. But when he wipes his nose, collects money and cleans the counter with the same hands, I wouldn't doubt that it caused my diarrhoea later that day..
Shermaine had lunch at home (I think) and Hong Xiang went back to change, so Brandon and Cheryl decided not to go over to my place straight away too. I went back home too, having to relieve myself suddenly from the lethal prata. The four came over about an hour and a half later, and we headed out for dinner around Siglap.
We settled on a Hong Kong cafe that I was kinda wary of, but we couldn't settle on whether one of the staff was a male or female. Their profits must be high cuz they charged a bowl of noodles and pork at $6.50, but it tasted like Maggi and canned stewed pork, with even lesser seasoning. Pity we didn't have the appetite for a cone of passionfruit-mango ice cream, from next door's Haagen Dazs.

I liked the booth seats though :) Shermaine, 'do you accept mastercard?' Or at least that's the card she had, but whoa I like the sound of that air of affluence, heh. Video EZ was several shops down, and we rented 27 Dresses. I must say, my pre-inclination to hesitate such a genre is unfounded, as I've been proven wrong several times, and this was yet another. I always thought Judy Greer played good supporting actress roles, and she was in this too. Catch it online if you're looking for a bit of entertainment, it's not as predictable or straight forward as I ignorantly thought.
P: I've been on BF2 for about 5 hours today, and now regret deciding to stay home instead of going out. Nevermind, monday to wednesday's free from school, so hopefully I'll have plans.. What's the use if I don't have money though? :(
penned by joel at 12:24 AM